Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Make the Wind Blow

Ahoy. Just posted a new mix on 8tracks.

1. Sleigh Bells - Kids - they didn't have music like this when I was growing up. Good thing too, because if I heard this song on a sunny Tuesday morning in May on my way to school, I would not be attending classes that day.
2. Broken Social Scene - Texico Bitches - while I miss David Newfield's production on their new album, this song's got great bounce and pep - and a sentimental similarity to The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth, which practically defined my spring of 2005.
3. Ganglians - My House - this is the first Ganglians song I've heard - not sure how they've eluded me for so long. Another great Woodsist band - I should have seen it coming. This record doesn't come out until fall, but I'm ready for it now.
4. Lissvik - 23 - heard this on a GvsB radio show mix - not much to it, but it works well as an end to Side A.
5. Beach Fossils - Youth - this one reminds me of the summer of '09 - remember way back then? Curious to see if the beach/summer/fun/surfing thing will carry over to '10. I don't think I will complain if it does... 
6. Dum Dum Girls - Bhang Bhang, I'm a Burnout - this song didn't really grab me until the second chorus - you'll know it when you hear it. I keep forgetting to pick this record up because I confuse them with Vivian Girls...blah.
7. Sleigh Bells - Rill Rill - pure sugar. I like it.
8. Jamie Long - Aquarium - I dislike the first 15 seconds of this song, but the rest is great and reminds me of early Radio Dept.

Download all (yes, all!) 8 tracks here

Bonus thought: after three solid listens, The New Pornographers' Together isn't really doing much for me, especially Bejar's songs. Kind of a let down, and I wonder if they'll ever reach the heights of Mass Romantic and Electric Version again. I am betting against them. What do you think?


  1. Together hasn't caught me yet, either. I wonder if we're both suffering from and Electric Version hangover? I like some of the Together tracks a lot; A Bite Out Of My Bed and Moves are pretty catchy. There's something about the album as a whole that reminds me a bit of Fleetwood Mac. Maybe I'm just imagining that.

  2. I listened to Electric Version at work today - definitely the pinnacle of the New Pornos' output. I wish Together reminded me *more* of Fleetwood Mac... and what's with "My Shepherd"??? Yawn city.
