Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Explosions in the sky (contains no Explosions in the Sky)

In honor of July 4th, or July 3rd depending on your plans, odds are you're going to be watching some fireworks this weekend to celebrate America's inevitable triumph over the Chinese (I'm assuming). I put together a playlist featuring some old gems and new jams that I feel act like an aural firework show. It's right around 30 minutes long, which is the average length of fireworks shows I believe. So, if it runs properly, it should sync up. The list, like a fireworks display, slowly builds, with textures and colors and simple flourishes. There are "ooh, aah" moments, but in general it's just meant to be absorbed/stared at. And the finale jars, but brings it all to catharsis.

Best listened to: Staring up at the sky, optimally on mushrooms, with headphones on as fireworks hail overhead.

Track List:
01. Hockey - Mercenary Days
02. Vampire Weekend - California English Pt. 2
03. J Dilla - Lightworks
04. The Books - Beautiful People
05. M83 - We Own The Sky
06. Candy Claws - Silent Time of Earth
07. My Bloody Valentine - Blown A Wish
08. Cocteau Twins - Lorelei
09. Light Pollution - Oh, Ivory!
10. Animal Collective - Grass

Look Up,

1 comment:

  1. I can't get into the VW song, but I love The Books and Cocteau Twins songs. And kudos for not including the obvious Animal Collective song (but still closing with something appropriate).
