Tuesday, July 20, 2010

140 Character Pitchfork Reflections

This past weekend was the Pitchfork Music Festival at Union Park in Chicago. This week you may see a couple posts in relation to that, as Tim & I were both in attendance. For this first post I'm just going to throw some tweet-length recaps of the bands I saw (either full sets or just brief encounters).

Friday, July 16:

5:30 Liars (c) – Imagine any mid-paced punk band, except the singer has the microphone inside of his mouth the whole time. Ugglllaaahhhhuuuoooohh... #NotGood

6:25 Robyn (a) – I will never understand why people like this. Is it some form of "irony" to listen to bad mainstream girl pop? Bring on Britney Spears!

7:15 Michael Showalter (b) – Caught a bit of this set. I don’t think a comedian has bombed this hard since Rosanne’s National Anthem, 1990. http://is.gd/dzIZp

7:20 Broken Social Scene (c) – Not the biggest fan, but they were surprisingly fantastic. Great crowd control, great sound, overall pleasant experience. Friday's best.

8:30 Modest Mouse (a) – Stayed for 4 songs and I will never get those minutes back. Even when they play old stuff it sounds awful. #GiveUpTheDream

Saturday, July 17:

1:45 Real Estate (c) – Saw the first few minutes; singer was off-key. Left. Perfect example of festival logic: if something’s better elsewhere, go elsewhere.

1:55 Sonny & the Sunsets (b) – Surprise Saturday standout. All songs were much faster than the record. Just great crowd reading.

2:30 Delorean (a) – It was nice to Basque in the pleasant sounds of Delorean. #Puns

3:20 Titus Andronicus (c) – Titus, as expected, crushed it. With all the soft, mellow summer music it was nice to have a shot in the arm.

4:45 Smith Westerns (b) – They sounded like shit (the B stage was plagued with problems all weekend; not their fault) and they played like shit (their own damn fault)

5:15 The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (c) – WOW. People actually listen to this? I hope his faux-leather pants peeled off a layer of skin when removed. He's bad and he should feel bad.

5:45 WHY? (b) – Left the Fail Explosion and found myself at WHY? Wish I would have seen more; they sounded wonderful.

6:15 Wolf Parade (a) – Not the biggest Wolf Parade fan; but they sounded good, put together a good set, and were a truly humble and respectful band. Props.

7:25 Panda Bear (c) – Noah… Come on man. Low-energy drone with no stage presence. It was painful to watch.

8:30 LCD Soundsystem (a) – The unrivaled show of the festival and one of the best I’ve ever seen. Great sound, set, crowd, everything. Perfect.

Sunday, July 18:

2:30 Girls (a) – Of all the slow-paced psychedelic bands playing P4k, Girls seemed to have the best grasp on execution. Good sound, showmanship, wardrobe.

2:50 Washed Out (b) – Saw a bit of the show. Not too shabby. I don’t really dig Washed Out, but I think it’s good for what it is.

3:20 Beach House (c) – Victoria Legrand’s voice is just a beast. It’s a bit mellow for midday at a festival, but they sounded good regardless.

3:45 Local Natives (b) – After a weekend of bands with off-key frontmen, it was a welcome change to see perfect 3&4-part harmonies. Never underestimate vocals, guys.

4:15 Lightning Bolt (a) – AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Ballsy & Rowdy.

4:45 Surfer Blood (b) – I didn’t see Surfer Blood because the B stage was so crowded. My biggest regret of the festival. They sounded awesome from a distance.

5:45 Here We Go Magic (b) – The stand-out show of Sunday, which is saying something after being bombarded with music for >20 hours. Just overall excellent.

6:15 Major Lazer (a) – Came in on the last song… Chinese dragons, hookers, et al. Was the stage show compensating for the music?

7:25 Big Boi (c) – The highest concentration of black people at the festival was on the stage. And Big Boi just flat-out crushed it.

8:30 Pavement (a) – I saw Pavement because I know later in life they’re going to mean more to me than they do now. That said, solid but flawed set (expected).


(image by ret0dd, licensed under Creative Commons)


  1. Erik - who took that photo of us? your glasses look extra cool in it.

  2. I was totally hoping that people who didn't know us that read this would think it was us.

  3. Thanks for supporting Sonny & the Sunsets!

    There are still copies left of the Sunsets' "The Hypnotist" EP on beautiful multi-colored vinyl...AVAILABLE NOW on {future stress recordings}
